Since 1980, the magazine Camera Austria International has been providing its readers with insights into important discourses on the role of photography as a medium and practice of contemporary art—presenting outstanding artists who have made extraordinary contributions to the continual development of the medium. Over the years, this has resulted in an—at times surprising—archive and reference body on contemporary photography.
Posed at the heart of this bilingual (ger./eng.) quarterly are monographic contributions about artists whose work is decisive in defining a current perspective on photography. This is accompanied by the Forum section, which introduces—often in cooperation with curators, writers, or artists—remarkable positions by young international artists who are not yet well known but already display a unique profile. The profile of the magazine is rounded off by a tailored overview of current international exhibitions and recently published books.
Since 1977 Camera Austria has been publishing exhibition catalogues and books in the Edition Camera Austria with a focus placed on Austrian artists. The publications are created in close collaboration with the artists themselves, often giving a first overview of their work or introducing new projects. In addition to the monographs, books are released that take their point of departure from Camera Austria exhibition projects.