4res is a graphic designer from Hong Kong. He is also a movie-goer and one of the founders of Zinecoop, a Hong Kong zine community. He ever self-published A Thin Booklet Issue 1-12 (a collective zine), Zinema Issue 1-12 (about movie review) etc. Handowin HE is an award-winning author-illustrator based in NYC/Shanghai. Keen on a storytelling approach to serving her various whims, Handowin holds a strong desire & ability to create artworks in which each one could feel her extraordinary imagination with a funky soul. She ever collaborated with various brands, media, and children’s book publishing press. Besides, Handowin is also a zine-maker contributing to independent publication. In the past three years, she participated in plenty of art book fairs, illustration fairs, and zine fests throughout the world. In 2019, 4res and Handowin co-worked to create a zine series One Tale of Two Cities: Shanghai vs. Hong Kong, a comparison between two cities under a same topic. The first issue is independent bookstore. This year, they amend and re-design this issue. It will be published very soon. Since this year, they group up to establish a temp team “Funky Zine Forest”. Through Handowin’s visualized stories, an incomparable world outlook could be recognized. 4res’ unique viewpoint and critical thinking differentiate him from others. Their cooperation will definitely spur sparks.