Let’s collaborate!

Join our network of creative enthusiasts and independent art publishing professionals, and showcase your passion for the art of bookmaking at the Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair.

For sponsorship and partnership opportunities, feel free to reach out to us at any time.


Fanzineist Vienna 2025

We would like to thank the following institutions and organisations for the confidence cooperation.


Gefördert mit Mitteln der Studienvertretung Bildende Kunst der Hochschüler_innenschaft der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien

Fanzineist Vienna 2024

We would like to thank the following institutions and organisations for the confidence cooperation.


Gefördert mit Mitteln der Studienvertretung Bildende Kunst der Hochschüler_innenschaft der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien

Gefördert durch die HochschülerInnenschaft an der Universität Wien

Cooperation Partners

Print Sponsors

Coffee Sponsor

Media Partners

Hostel Partner

Fanzineist Vienna is a non-profit art book & zine fair, which is funded by donations as well as public institutions. Fanzineist Vienna cares for the rights of artistic and cultural labour and in order to maintain its founding ideal, we need your support. The information is written below, if you’d like to support our project.

DE24 1001 1001 2629 9986 00


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If you want to be informed about Fanzineist Vienna’s open calls and events, please subscribe to the newsletter!