We are a zine collective called Oben.Ohne.Zines based in Rotterdam and Berlin. We create zines on a variety of topics but our focus lies on zines thematising stigmatisation and structural problems within the youth care system, mainly in Germany.
Our collective is made up of Ailie, an art student whose work often revolves around queer feminist themes and Juli, who is studying psychology and is involved in LGBTQIA* topics and social issues as relating to her field of study.
We both have experiences within the care system, which is why discussing the topic in an open manner to lessen the taboo around it and creating a space where affected people feel comfortable discussing their own stories is very important for us.
In addition to this we also feature some zines that come out of social activist contexts such as Niek de la Baak’s Eviction Play zine, which centers around conversations between police and squatters in the Netherlands.